Artist Statement

Why I do what I do.

The main goal of my work is to question the way we experience the world. In order to implement that, I pay special attention to the role of physical sensations in the perceptual process. My artwork attempts to appeal directly to the body of the visitor. I build sensory deprivation spaces where the audience is exposed to stimuli below the threshold of his or her senses, forcing them to recalibrate their sensory apparatus discovering an internal landscape of body sensations. My installations endeavor to be the liminal space where the participant experiences the landscape that all of us have inside.

The importance of physical sensations we are experiencing continuously at a subconscious level is one of the key elements of the Abhidharma, the Buddhist psychological and philosophical teachings. Those sensations are crucial to explain how the body reacts creating positive or negative emotions to them and how these emotions affect the way we perceive the world.

I focus most of my research on how the infrasound, frequencies below 20 hertz that our hearing system cannot sense but our body can perceive, affects us. I develop my own tools to register the presence of infrasound frequencies in public spaces using commercial piezo sensors. A customized circuit amplifies the signal before transmitting it wirelessly to my computer. I use that data to activate the installation by vibrating at the same frequency. To facilitate the perception of the vibration to the visitor, I create an environment with no other stimulus in a pitch-black room, increasing the liminality of the experience.

I record the infrasound for my installations in public spaces like bridges or train stations trying to establish the effect of the external landscape of noises on our internal landscape of sensations. The intention of these constructed spaces is to simply guide the attention of the participant towards the reasons behind how he or she behaves in their daily life, therefore, questioning their own subjectivity.

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